Microsoft Azure Chatbot Using Cognitive and Bot services

azure chatbot

Overview Of ChatBot

Azure Cognitive service is a set of pre-built AI tools. Azure Cognitive Service is grouped into 5 categories vision, knowledge, language, speech & search. We can integrate these azure cognitive services with Azure Bot Service to create a ChatBot interface of our requirement.

azure bot service

Conversational Artificial Intelligence is a solution that helps us to build a conversation between AI machines and humans. These machines are called Bots. Bots are used in various scenarios like customer support, reservation system, digital assistant, online ordering, healthcare, etc.
We can interact with a bot in various ways:

  1. Webchat interfaces
  2. Emails
  3. Social Media Platforms
  4. Voice

Responsible AI Guidelines For Bots

  1. Being Transparent about the capabilities of the bot service created.
  2. If necessary the Bot service is capable of transmitting the conversation to a human. (in case of refund, or complaints)
  3. Ensure the Bot is reliable.
  4. Confidential and secret data should be secured.
  5. Handling data securely.
  6. Bot service must fulfill the accessibility standards.

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